下面这些类利用了 C++ 的模板,实现了一些基本的逻辑功能:
#include <iostream>
// 布尔常量类型
struct TrueType {
constexpr static bool value = true;
struct FalseType {
constexpr static bool value = false;
// SFINAE 用来特定时机启用模板
template<bool, typename T = void>
struct EnableIfT {
template<typename T>
struct EnableIfT<true, T> {
using Type = T;
template<bool Cond, typename T = void>
using EnableIf = typename EnableIfT<Cond, T>::Type;
template <class T>
struct IdentityT {
using Type = T;
template <class T>
using Identity = typename IdentityT<T>::Type;
// 模板的逻辑表达式功能
template <bool COND, typename TrueType, typename FalseType>
struct IfThenElseT {
using Type = TrueType;
template <typename TrueType, typename FalseType>
struct IfThenElseT<false, TrueType, FalseType> {
using Type = FalseType;
template <bool COND, typename TrueType, typename FalseType>
using IfThenElse = typename IfThenElseT<COND, TrueType, FalseType>::Type;
// 列表的值类型
template <class T, T Value>
struct CTValue {
using Type = T;
constexpr static T value = Value;
template <class T, T a, T b>
struct LessThanT<CTValue<T, a>, CTValue<T, b>> {
constexpr static bool value = a < b;
template <class T, T a, T b>
struct GreaterThanT<CTValue<T, a>, CTValue<T, b>> {
constexpr static bool value = a > b;
// 定义了列表的基本类型
template <class T, T... Values>
struct ValueList {};
template <class T, T... Values>
struct IsEmpty<ValueList<T, Values...>> {
constexpr static bool value = sizeof...(Values) == 0;
template <class T, T Head, T... Tail>
struct FrontT<ValueList<T, Head, Tail...>> {
using Type = CTValue<T, Head>;
constexpr static T value = Head;
template <class ValueList>
using Front = typename FrontT<ValueList>::Type;
template <class T, T Head, T... Tail>
struct PopFrontT<ValueList<T, Head, Tail...>> {
using Type = ValueList<T, Tail...>;
template <class ValueList>
using PopFront = typename PopFrontT<ValueList>::Type;
template <class T, T... Values, T NewValue>
struct PushFrontT<ValueList<T, Values...>, CTValue<T, NewValue>> {
using Type = ValueList<T, NewValue, Values...>;
template <class ValueList, class NewValue>
using PushFront = typename PushFrontT<ValueList, NewValue>::Type;
两个递归的终止条件都是是:表为空。这时候认为空表就是排序好的表,对于 InsertionSort
来说,直接返回空表,对于 InsertSorted
template <class ValueList, class Element,
template <class T, class U> class Compare,
bool = IsEmpty<ValueList>::value>
struct InsertSortedT;
template <class ValueList, class Element,
template <class T, class U> class Compare>
using InsertSorted = typename InsertSortedT<ValueList, Element, Compare>::Type;
template <class ValueList, class Element,
template <class T, class U> class Compare>
struct InsertSortedT<ValueList, Element, Compare, false> {
using NewTail = IfThenElse<
Compare<Element, Front<ValueList>>::value, Identity<ValueList>,
InsertSorted<PopFront<ValueList>, Element, Compare>>;
using NewHead = IfThenElse<Compare<Element, Front<ValueList>>::value,
Element, Front<ValueList>>;
using Type = PushFront<NewTail, NewHead>;
template <class ValueList, class Element,
template <class T, class U> class Compare>
struct InsertSortedT<ValueList, Element, Compare, true> : PushFrontT<ValueList, Element> {
template <class ValueList, template <class T, class U> class Compare,
bool = IsEmpty<ValueList>::value>
struct InsertionSortT;
template <class ValueList, template <class T, class U> class Compare>
struct InsertionSortT<ValueList, Compare, false>
: InsertSortedT<InsertionSort<PopFront<ValueList>, Compare>,
Front<ValueList>, Compare> {};
template <class ValueList, template <class T, class U> class Compare>
struct InsertionSortT<ValueList, Compare, true> {
using Type = ValueList;
template <typename List, typename Element,
template <typename T, typename U> class Compare>
using InsertSorted = typename InsertSortedT<List, Element, Compare>::Type;
template <class ValueList, template <class T, class U> class Compare>
using InsertionSort = typename InsertionSortT<ValueList, Compare>::Type;
template <class T>
void OutputValueList(ValueList<T>) {
std::cout << std::endl;
template <class T, T... Values>
void OutputValueList(ValueList<T, Values...>) {
std::cout << Front<ValueList<T, Values...>>::value << ' ';
OutputValueList(PopFront<ValueList<T, Values...>>());
int main() {
using TestList = ValueList<int, 17, 1, 15, 9, 8, 19, 16, 10, 11, 7, 4, 14,
18, 13, 3, 12, 2, 5, 6, 20>;
using SortedList = InsertionSort<TestList, LessThanT>;
using ReverseSortedList = InsertionSort<TestList, GreaterThanT>;
std::cout << "Before sorted" << std::endl;
std::cout << "After sorted (from small to great)" << std::endl;
std::cout << "After sorted (from great to small)" << std::endl;
return 0;
Before sorted
17 1 15 9 8 19 16 10 11 7 4 14 18 13 3 12 2 5 6 20
After sorted (from small to great)
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20
After sorted (from great to small)
20 19 18 17 16 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1